Call For Vendors
The Twist Fibre Festival invites artisans, artists, associations, businesses, and shops offering fiber-related products to apply as vendors.
The textile market will take place over three days: August 8 to 10, 2025.

Be Part of Twist 2025
Join the Twist Fibre Festival’s textile market and food fair! Showcase your creations, products, or mission to thousands of enthusiastic visitors.
Booth Options and Pricing
- Under outdoor tent: 8' table – $305 + taxes
- Indoor market: 10' x 10' – $595 + taxes
- Indoor market shared booth: 10' x 10' – $595 + taxes
- Indoor market: 15' x 10' – $1060 + taxes
- Indoor market: 20' x 10' – $1455 + taxes
- Indoor market: 30' x 10' – $2310 + taxes
- Indoor market: 40' x 10' – $3300 + taxes
- Under outdoor tent: 8' table – $305 + taxes
- Indoor market: 10' x 10' – $595 + taxes
- Indoor market shared booth: 10' x 10' – $595 + taxes
- Indoor market: 15' x 10' – $1060 + taxes
- Indoor market: 20' x 10' – $1455 + taxes
- Indoor market: 30' x 10' – $2310 + taxes
- Indoor market: 40' x 10' – $3300 + taxes
- Outdoor: 8' tablewithout service – $400+ taxes
- Outdoor under Big Top: 8' table with service – $500 + taxes
- Outdoor: 8' tablewithout service – $400+ taxes
- Outdoor under Big Top: 8' table with service – $500 + taxes
- Indoor hallway: 8' table – no cost
Please note: sales are not permitted for this booth type.
- Indoor hallway: 8' table – no cost
Please note: sales are not permitted for this booth type.
Friday August 8, 2025
11am – 6pm
Saturday August 9, 2025
9am – 5pm
Sunday August 10, 2025
10am – 4pm